Sunday, January 6, 2013

Calypso's Perspective

         Hello. My name is Calypso, and despite what you might have heard about me, I am actually a very kind and caring person. The story of Odyseus tells you that I kept him on my island against his will for seven years, when truly, I was only trying to help.
         It started when a lonely traveler washed up on my island. He approached me and said, "My name is Odyseus, King of Ithaca. I was returning from my long adventure in the Trojan War, when my men and I got lost. We were just in a horrible storm which destroyed my ship and crew. Please, if you would be so kind as to offer me a new ship, I would be eternally grateful." Of course I couldn't just leave him there,  so I offered the man my hospitality. Even though he asked for a ship, I could tell that Odyseus was tired and weary and needed a feast fit for a King and a good night's sleep. I truly wanted to help Odyseus get back on his feet, however, it took much longer than I thought.
         One day, several years later, Odyseus told me of his wishes to leave my island. He said to me, "Calypso, although you have treated me well, you have kept me trapped on your island when  you knew that my one desire was to return home to Ithaca. I have been here much too long and I must leave." These words were incredibly hard to hear because I had begun to truly love Odyseus and my island would be very lonely without him. I told Odyseus that he could not leave my island, but not out of selfishness. I was only thinking of Odyseus when I made this decision. What was he going to do if he got lost or if his ship got wreck again! I felt that it was my job to protect Odyseus and look after him. So how could I let him travel the seas full of danger all by himself? Odyseus asked for a reason that he should stay on my island. This is when I told him to make me his wife. We both loved each other dearly, and we had slept together before, so I never once thought that he could resist my offer. Sadly, Odyseus held his ground and kept demanding to leave my island. To sweeten the deal, I offered Odyseus immortality. How could someone resist being with a beautiful women like me for all eternity? But, once again, Odysseus declined my generous offer.
         I could not believe Odyseus' decision, because my only desire was to make him happy. Odyseus, with the help of Zues and Hermes, left my island seven years after he arrived. Although it took me a while to cope with the lose of my lover, I still look after him and protect him. But I know that one day, Odyseus will come back to my island and when he does, he will make the right decision and stay with me.

Connection to The Odyssey

         Calypso's island is very important in The Odyssey. After Odyseus is lost at sea and his ship is wrecked, he drifts onto Calypso's island. Calypso was a nymph who wished to marry Odyseus. She kept him on her island for seven years with the offer that if he stayed, she would make him immortal. Odyseus resisted for he dearly missed his wife, Penelope, and his home on Ithica. With the help of Zues and Hermes, Odyseus is able to leave Calypso's island with a new ship, bread, and wine.